Midwife COnsultation
Birth Education, Preparation and Planning to include complex pregnancy and mental health needs.
This is a 2.5hr consultation session in your own home for you and your birth partner.
The visit is personalised to meet your needs and to give you the information, evidence and research around birth and choices you wish to make and plan for in your pregnancy, birth and postnatal period.
This will be a comprehensive and personalised plan for you to use and share with your NHS Care provider. It will aid and support your choices, it helps you to have a voice in your care plan and to use as reference throughout your journey to parenthood.
Previous Birth Debrief, Fears and Anxieties, Expectations and Needs
Birth environment - how best to prepare - hospital and home
Early labour techniques for Vaginal Birth / Preparation for Elective C-Section
Birth Choices - VBAC / Elective discussion if required - using the BRAIN acronym
Different Birth Modes - Vaginal / Induced / Caesarean Section
What to expect - different stages of labour Birth planning
Techniques for Active Birth
Biomechanics in labour and birthing positions
Abdominal Breathing and relaxation script that can be used for any birth type and to aid Pregnancy and postnatal periods
Final stage and 3rd stage (The Placenta) of birth
4th Trimester - The first few hours post birth
The first few weeks after birth - what to expect
Guidance on birth bag packing / homebirth preparation and alternative remedies and techniques
Different Feeding Options
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Personalised Birth Workshop
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